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Heads Up
- October 26th 2023 -
Finance reminder
Attentive colleagues have noticed: the layout of Concur has recently changed slightly. No drama, unfortunately the previously red "Submit Note" button did turn blue. We already saw an increase in incorrectly submitted expense reports as a result.
It remains important: you only save your expense notes and never click on Submit Note. Otherwise, the invoice will be forwarded directly to DFIN without Team Finance having been able to complete and check.
Lecture Collen-Francqui Chair
Next Monday, 30 October, the last lecture for this year of the Collen-Francqui Chair will take place, hosted by prof. Bernard Dan and initiated from our department by prof. Lynn Bar-On.

From paediatrics to geriatrics: ageing with a neurodevelopmental disability
17:30 h. - 18:30 h., Auditorium A

Info and registration
Correct REVA e-mail signature
Occasionally, we still see an e-mail signature referring to the old departments. Also, the reception phone number on 1B3 (no longer used) has been banned from your signature for a while now.
Is your e-mail signature correct? You can find the template here.
Survey on impact remote working on mobility and wellbeing
The Geography Department of the Faculty of Sciences is currently working on a research project on the impact of teleworking on mobility behaviour and employee wellbeing.
Through an online questionnaire, they are investigating how teleworking influences the demand for mobility, how people adjust their daily time use and how teleworking affects people's mental wellbeing through changes in daily activities and work-life balance.

You can participate in the survey here.
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Questions, comments or suggestions for the Heads Up?
Let it know via thibault.bonte@ugent.be!